MetroWest Emergency Relief Fund Awards Ashland Farmers Market SNAP Match
Aug 27, 2020 09:25AM ● By Chuck Tashjian
The Ashland Farmers Market (AFM) is offering a generous $25 SNAP match for all SNAP shoppers each week, thanks to a $7,000 MetroWest Emergency Relief Fund grant from the Foundation for MetroWest ( In addition, SNAP recipients can receive free freshly picked fruits and vegetables from two farms at the market under the Massachusetts Healthy Incentives Program (HIP). Making sure that everyone has access to fresh, local food is an important part of AFM’s mission. The SNAP match increase started on Aug. 15, and will continue through Oct. 10, or until the money runs out. AFM is open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 125 Front St., on the grass across from the Ashland Public Library. For more information, visit To sign up for weekly email, visit