Another great year of Christmas Trees!
Lion Dan Mitchell
The Ashland Lions had a great year selling Christmas trees and wreaths in our new location behind the Ashland VFW. The lot opened the day after Thanksgiving and wrapped up on Friday, December 17th with just a few trees remaining! First and foremost, the Ashland Lions thanks Ashland VFW for our new permanent tree lot home in the back of the parking lot. The Ashland Lions are grateful to the Ashland High football team and Coach McKay for their help unloading hundreds of trees upon arrival, and to Boy Scouts Troop 232 and Leos Club members who volunteered every weekend to sell trees and wreaths. The Ashland Lions also thanks its members for their efforts with preparing the lot, covering every open shift, and cleaning up when everything was done. Most importantly, we would like to thank the people of Ashland and surrounding towns who purchased their tree or wreath from the Ashland Lions tree lot to support a good cause, because 100% of the proceeds from selling trees and wreaths goes to our local community and Lions Eye Research. We hope to see you again next year!
Lions direct volunteers from the AHS Football Team and Boy Scouts Troop 232 unloading trees.
Senior Breakfasts
Seniors, why not join us and other members of the community for breakfast? Senior Breakfasts are on the first Thursday of each month, held at the Ashland Senior Center, 162 West Union St in Ashland. This event runs through May.
Ashland Lions Meat Raffles turn 25
Ashland Lions will continue to celebrate 25 years of meat raffles! The next meat raffle will be held on January 8th at TJs Food and Spirits in Ashland. As always there will be great food, fun people and great meat to choose from. See you there!
Coats for Kids
Lions Club District 33K clubs are partnering with Anton’s Cleaners again this year for their annual Coats for Kids drive! We have already collected over 270 coats this season! Please search your closets for unused coats and ask your friends and neighbors to do the same. The weather is getting colder and this is a good opportunity to help those in need. The coats can be for children or adults and must be in good condition- that means gently worn, no rips, tears, broken zippers or permanent stains. Coats may be dropped off at any Anton’s Cleaners or at Cleaner’s Choice, 193 Main St. Ashland, MA.
Eyeglasses and Cellphone Collection
Eyeglasses and cellphone collection is a year-round project with collection of used prescription and nonprescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids and cell phones. This year we have already collected over 1200 pairs of used eyeglasses this year alone.
Collection boxes are located at:
• Ashland Post Office
• Ashland Senior Center
• NEW! Old train station -
• Moody Optical - Ashland
• Middlesex Bank – Ashland
• Fayville, MA Post Office
• Studio Optics – Framingham
Happy New Year Ashland!
The Ashland Lions Club would like to thank the Ashland community for all its support again this past year. With your help we had a successful coat drive, successful meat raffles, a great golf ball drop, and a great year selling Christmas trees. We hope to see and hear from you soon!
Ney year, new opportunities
Why not make Lions Club Red your color for 2022 and participate in service to the community? If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Ashland Lions, please reach out to us via email at [email protected] for details.
Stay up-to-date on Lions happenings
To see the latest status of our events, please visit our Ashland Lions Facebook page. Click the Like button and you will be automatically notified of changes or cancellations. While you’re at it, be sure to follow Ashland Town News too!