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Ashland - Local Town Pages

Nomination Papers 2023

If you are interested in running for Town Office in the May 16, Annual Town Election, nomination papers are now available and due back in March.  
You will need a minimum of 50 valid signatures in order to be placed on the ballot. We suggest you obtain at least two full pages which is 64 signatures.  
Office seats available for the May 16, Annual Town Election are listed on the town’s website at under Town Clerk – Elections. Please contact the Town Clerk’s office for further information.  

Open Seats Available:
Select Board - 3-year term - 1 seat on ballot
Term expires 2026
Assessor - 3-year term - 1 seat on ballot
Term expires 2026
School Committee - 3-year term - 1 seat on ballot
Term expires 2026
Library Trustee - 3-year term - 2 seats on ballot
Term expires 2026
Board of Health - 3-year term - 2 seats on ballot
Term expires 2026
Planning Board - 5-year term - 1 seat on ballot
Term expires 2028