Ashland to install signs to share the road with ‘vulnerable’ users

Signs to be installed on Chestnut, Myrtle, Pleasant, West Union Streets
By Theresa Knapp
In April, a new law went into effect in Massachusetts that protects “vulnerable road users” and requires motorists to allow at least four feet between a moving vehicle and a bicyclist or pedestrian.
Mass. Gen. Law Chapter 90 Section 14 states, “Precautions for safety of other travelers ‘In passing a vulnerable user, the operator of a motor vehicle shall pass at a safe distance of not less than 4 feet and at a reasonable and proper speed.’”
MassDOT will provide signs to help promote road safety.
“We have not gotten the signs in yet but we have made the request,” reported Town Manager Michael Herbert at a recent meeting of the Select Board. “And we’ll be putting those up on Chestnut Street, Myrtle Street, Pleasant Street, and West Union Street.”
For more information on the new law, visit