Time to get involved

By Patricia Roy
As the winter holidays get into full swing, take a few moments to turn your thoughts to the Ghosts of Ashland Past, Present and Future.
The town is doing exactly that by launching an initiative called “Envision Ashland” to examine the town’s past and present, and plan for its future.
Under the auspices of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, local residents are invited to an Open House at the Town Hall on Dec. 2 (the same day as the Holiday Stroll and tree lighting) from 12 – 4p.m. in Rooms B/C on the lower level.
The goal is to develop a blueprint for the town’s growth and determine a way to get there. The Comprehensive Plan will be a two-year effort headed by By Patricia Roy
As the winter holidays get into full swing, take a few moments to turn your thoughts to the Ghosts of Ashland Past, Present and Future.
The town is doing exactly that by launching an initiative called “Envision Ashland” to examine the town’s past and present, and plan for its future.
Under the auspices of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, local residents are invited to an Open House at the Town Hall on Dec. 2 (the same day as the Holiday Stroll and tree lighting) from 12 – 4p.m. in Rooms B/C on the lower level.
The goal is to develop a blueprint for the town’s growth and determine a way to get there. The Comprehensive Plan will be a two-year effort headed by