Are you ready for another New England winter?

It’s true what they say around here: “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.” In just 30 days we’ve gone from a sunny, 75° to a damp, and bone-chilling 35°— New England weather at its finest. And AccuWeather just predicted the El Niño will make this winter a snowy one. Get your shovels ready!
How can you make sure you’re ready for whatever Mother Nature has in store this winter? Here’s some tips
1) Winterize all outside pipes
When temperatures drop below 32° F outside faucets, sprinkler heads, and irrigation lines will freeze and burst if they aren’t winterized. Make sure to turn off all water at the mains inside the house then open faucets to let water in the pipe drain out. Irrigation systems require a professional, so make sure you make an appointment for winterization well before the first frost.
2) Get gutters cleaned
This summer’s rain brought a ton of leaves, sticks, and other yard waste down on roofs. Chances are, that debris is now in your gutters. Left in place all that debris is a recipe for disaster as it freezes into an icy mass. That can get under shingles, damage your roof and cause ice dams. Clear gutters so rain and snow can drain. If you’re not comfortable on a ladder it’s worth talking to a professional. Act now to avoid costly repairs in the future.
3) Prune, mulch, and protect perennials
Time to get the clippers out. Most of your perennials should have died back. Cut back the vegetation to 2 - 3 inches above the ground. It makes your garden look nice and neat, and it stops harmful insects from making a home. Want your evergreens to stay greener all year round? Now is the time to feed and protect them from harsh winds and colder temperatures. Add some mulch around the base to protect roots from freezing temperatures and any winter salt runoff. And consider burlap wraps to protect your evergreen investment. Winter burn can wreak havoc on tender evergreen leaves.
4) Trim trees and bushes
Take a good look at your trees and shrubs. Look for large limbs overhanging your roof line, power or utility lines. A Nor’easter’s high winds and heavy snow can bring down branches and cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to roofs, porches, or siding. Plus, regular pruning encourages healthy spring growth and prevents disease and insect infestations. If you’re not sure what should go and what can stay, consult an Arborist.
5) Repair paths and pavers
The winter’s freeze and thaw can turn a loose patio or paving stone into an accident waiting to happen. Frost heaves can trip even the most seasoned New Englander. Get loose stones reset by a mason before the frost starts.
Information provided by Chris Hopkins, Greenleaf Landscaping LLC — with 30 years experience building everything from fire pits and pergolas to pools and outdoor kitchen/entertaining space Talk to Greenleaf today: 774-421-9570
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