Ashland town officials to create survey to solicit feedback for Valentine Estate

The historic Valentine Estate Property at 133 West Union Street before the barn renovation was complete. Photo credit: Theresa Knapp
By Theresa Knapp
The Ashland Select Board members discussed the public forum held on Jan. 29 related to the future uses of the Valentine Estate Property at 133 West Union Street. Town Manager Michael Herbert facilitated that community meeting.
“I think it was a good forum. I think the input was great. I think we still could use more input from the community in response to Michael’s proposals, and the other proposal that was given [for a nature-based and environmental education center],” said Select Board member Yolanda Greaves. “It was a good first step, I think, and the barn looks great.”
Board comments included offering a public tour of the property and creating a video of the current status of the buildings; and creating a plan for continued maintenance and security of the property. It was also suggested the next focus should be on restoring the house in order to have the restrooms and kitchen ready for use with the barn rental, creating a parking plan, and researching costs related to those improvements.
The board asked Herbert to create a survey to distribute to residents to elicit additional community input.
“If you can give me three months to do some outreach, and get some input, and then get together some thoughts,” said Herbert, who will report back to the board in June.
To watch the video of the Jan. 29 public forum, visit Comments related to the property can be sent to [email protected].