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Stolen car crashed into school bus in Medway in May

Pursuit included Wellesley, Medway, Holliston, Ashland, Framingham police
On May 24, around 3 p.m., the Medway Police Department was actively investigating an incident involving a stolen car and a school bus that had stopped to drop off students. 
The Wellesley Police Department contacted the Medway Police Department a short time before 3 p.m. reporting that a stolen blue BMW was pinging in the Fisher Street Medway area. 
Medway Officers Meghan Casey, Ryan Kahn, AJ Latosek and Maggie Schindler responded to the area. While checking the last known ping area, updated information put the car on Rockwood Road. As officers approached Rockwood Road, the BMW pulled onto Fisher Street and drove directly at Officer Casey at a very high rate of speed. Officer Casey swerved and avoided being struck. The BMW continued on, striking a Medway school bus which had stopped at 74 Fisher to let students off at the bus stop. 
Medway officers and responding Medway Fire/EMS found that no students were injured. The driver was also not injured. The Medway School Department was notified of the crash. 
After hitting the Medway school bus, the BMW drove into Holliston where it struck two cars, then into Ashland where Ashland Police attempted to stop it. 
The BMW was eventually located by Framingham Police after it crashed in Framingham. Several suspects fled the crash scene and were not apprehended. 
Anyone having information related to this incident is asked to contact the Medway Police Department at 508-533-3212.

Source: Facebook @MedwayPoliceDepartment